Conversation Between Ser and Slasher

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello, my account was banned not to long ago due to me allowing someone on my account while absent from playing era. The jail is over 500,000 hour. Being an ex staff I should of been more aware of the ideals and consequences of allowing someone on my iOS account even if I’m retired/fired from the staff team. But aside from that I’ve worked on graal era,zone,and many other servers for years and I don’t think it’s fair I stay jailed for a mistake that someone else made on my account. I also take partial responsibility for not being responsible with who I access on my account,but I just dont think it’s fair to have my account banned,it’s already tarnishing my reputation crucially,I’m being impersonated on multiple servers,being told I applied for staff or asked to come back when I haven’t? I just wish to have some light shed on this.
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