Conversation Between Ventus and Raul Zephlyn

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah I recommend you finish that series first because it'll mix everything up if you don't. Trust me if you like S.A.O you'll like Future Diary.
  2. Alright sure! I'm working on watching all Gundam animes currently, but I'll give it a watch this week sometime. I like Code Geass as a favorite I suppose.
  3. I see you're a S.A.O fan, I also LOVED the anime, since you like that anime, I recommend watching Mirai Nikki(Future Diary). It has romance but instead the "girlfriend" Yuno does whatever she can to protect her love Yuki. So she's pretty psycho. It has a good story line too and a sad/dramatic ending. I actually enjoyed the anime as much as S.A.O.
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