Conversation Between iIamtheNoob and Unofficial Era News

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Cirno Day!
  2. You're welcome!
  3. Hahaha, thank you!
  4. I always get that feeling that you're the only Troller here that doesn't get banned.

    Unofficial for Manager.
  5. My reputation is only low because Snk made it that way. Not the players. And I'm glad you like me!
  6. You pretty much know a lot about Era,a long time Era-Go contributor,and you're pretty much very clever and mature when it comes to joke posts that other people lower your rep since they don't understand it's a joke.
    Unofficial Era News for president.
  7. Hah, no I'm not. What made you think I was?
  8. I've always had this question in mind,are you an admin?
  9. Dang your posts makes my day.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9