As some of you loyal, old basers know, basing has gotten so rubbish! The new base designs are just a horrible and now that pbp can stack damage just makes it worse! Literally, just get 3-4 pbp users to shoot at a door and you can't lose! What happened to the good old days when skill mattered? Now it's just people shooting at doors even though nobody is there -.- Here are a few ideas on how to improve basing.
1. NO STACK DAMAGE- Just so stupid how much pbp spam there is, and the lag it creates is ridiculous!
2. CUT SPAM- How? Well I got an idea from playing black ops. In Black Ops, you only have a certain amount of ammo at the start of your life, and you can get more ammo by shooting people. So why not do the same for era? Everyone should get maybe 5 or so complete clips, and for each person you kill, you get 2 extra clips. Now, people can not spam, and will have to use skill and conserve ammo wisely.
3. GO BACK TO ORIGIONAL DESIGNS - Don't think I have to explain that
4. NEW BASING STYLE- All bases are the same, flag is 50, and most have 2 rooms. How about change it up? Maybe like different flag hp or maybe have only certain amount of gang members in the base at the same time? Just a few ideas

If you have any other ideas, please feel free to comment!