Hello guys. It has been a long time since I used to be a member on these forums.

Anyways, I missed Era. Despite the absurd price of guns and the boringness of grinding for gralats, it was still fun just to run around and shoot people. So, I wanted to play it once again. However, I have noticed that Era from the era.graalonline.com website still uses Flash Player to run. Seriously... I thought almost every web browser has disabled Flash nowadays due to low optimization of security issues. I was wondering... Why is Era still using Flash player, something that will likely die out on browsers in the future? Are there any plans to migrate the game to a different engine for browsers?

Second of all, how shall I play Era again? I am not interested on playing Era on Mobile because I find using mobile controls are harder for me than computer controls. My current browser Firefox doesn't support Flash anymore, and I see no point in getting Flash if support for it is declining. WHat shall I do to play Era again?

I'm back, and I hope I will enjoy talking to the forum community once again.