Hello guys.

I got a new idea for stopping the people getting pissed off when they buy a gun, and then it results on a nerf.

Recently, it has happened that the GM4 was nerfed. This happen because is a high demand gun, and of course it has not been tested very well, and this results on a nerf. Doing this may affect both sides, the players and the server. The players get affected because the gun they expected to have, wasn't what they really want. And the server, may be getting some money, but they get bad reputation and sometime a loss of players.

Thats why i'm making this this thread, and here are some ideas I got to stop this.

Tab Warning:
Let's say there is a new gun realized. It gets so OP that people start buying iTunes and waste about 80 dollars on it (high demand guns, and OP guns are usually expensive). Well, what happen here is that, when you click on the gun to buy it a tab appears saying:
'WARNING: This is a high demanded gun- changes may happen to this gun.'
This won't make a high impact, but will get some graalians to think before the buy it.

Gun Testing
There has been a lot of threads that say we should test the gun before buying it. I completely agree to have this, you can view the stats very well, and of course you won't be able to test it outside the shop. If this is implemented players won't be complaining about the gun they got, and this could also reduce the riots of gun refunds.

Refund 50%
I want to get this clear, i'm not agreeing with gun refunds. But when a nerf come, I think refunds should take place, and no, im not talking about refunding the 100% of a gun, thats a bs. I mean a refund a 50% of the price, or the percentage may be depending on the price range. This idea should take place only on big nerfs.

So, I advice:
If you're gonna buy a high demanded gun, think before. If it's completely OP and you think it need a nerf, don't buy it. Otherwise it will be nerfed and it will result on a loss of time and money.