His name was John. He was tall but not too tall. Strong but not ripped. Smart but not a genius. He didn't say much and was loud in his own way. But above all he was psychopathic...

He woke up every day, got dressed, and headed out with his Thompson submachine gun strapped around his back. Usually wearing a suit and tie with a gasmask covering his scarred and slightly burned face. He was a pker and was proud of it. Running onto the streets of Era city and murdering any living thing unlucky enough to get in front of his gun barrel. The screams of the unfortunate citizens of Era containing an abnormal amount of vulgarity only spurred on his murderous spirit and only kept a smile on his face as the bloody burning corpses piled up under him.

He attracted the attention of many gangs, crime families, syndicates, and cartels. Getting invitations on a daily basis. That only ended with him turning them down. He feared being apart of a group, a one in a crowd. No he was a one man army capable of anything. At least that's what he believed. He believed that there was no destiny or fate. Or at least that's what he wanted to be true. He had ruled Era with an iron fist for so long with his talents causing many to try to knock him down.

Only to be decimated themselves. But all of this blood all of this pure chaos and clustering fire and blood had not come from a place of hatred. John didn't have hate in him he didn't feel hate he didn't feel love he didn't feel anything he was a sociopath after all. He just killed for money above all, to harvest the organs of everyone he murdered in cold blood and sell them for a massive profit. He figured that one day he could make enough to move to the icy cold North of the world and be able to finally have what evaded him all these years... Silence.

That brings us to the fateful day of November twenty first two thousand fifteen. This day was one in a million to John. Just another day like any other but of course that wasn't how it really was. This day changed him in every way. So he got up,got dressed, and put on his gasmask. Unknown to him his mask hadn't gone on right and it had one tiny hole one place for the gas to get into his lungs but again he didn't know that. He walked outside and looked over the city. The calm Serene city of Era and in a matter of milliseconds changed that. Bringing the city into a fiery, bloody, hole of death and chaos once more.

He had been shooting and killing everything in sight like any other day until he looked and saw something... Something so odd and shocking so different. He had never seen this before nothing anything remotely like what he had seen in a single day in his life.

They had Mohawks. They had uzis. They had big ears. And they had... No clothes. He hadn't seen these people before. But they had seen him. They every day got up, got dressed, and walked outside to go their places of work. Only to be gunned down like rabid dogs. To wake up in hospitals in casts. To never be able to live long enough to gain enough skill to face him alone. Or enough money to buy a powerful enough weapon. These people banded together... They formed a group only comparable to a Lynch mob where some guy said "hey let's take our clothes off for no reason".

They were the naked noobs. And they were out for vengeance. There were so many they ran forth and crowded him. He was overwhelmed and could not win this fight. I am not saying it was quick or easy. This fight was long and hard fought for the naked people. Bullets, fire, and death were all there was for miles. Many perished in the process. But in the end they had gas, a kind of gas that seeped into the one hole in his gasmask a symbolistic chink in the dragons armour and it confused john and made him vulnerable and so he was deafeated by the naked noobs. The naked noobs decided that he was to be stripped of his clothes and a non-mohawk hair cut.

He is now known as the noob King. And he rules Era... With a naked... nooby fist.

{First attempt of a story tell me what you think and be honest. I would like to improve my writing. And practice makes perfect I guess}