Okay hey guys i'm not the best with heads and bodies and NEED some techniques when it comes to making heads and bodies.
For example I want to make my head something like this example.jpg and i took a try at it and i cant get past the top part because i have no clue on how to make it round like that in pixel form i know these are noobie questions but i am a newb when it comes to custom making so go easy on me...

Now for bodies i'm completely hopeless! I have basic knowledge in paint.net and gimp (Which is what i use) but it's just so many pixels and areas to cover and it gets overwhelming at times for me! and with the body i'm going for it'll take me ages of long tiring work.

This is what i'm going for example2.jpg

I really don't know what i aspect for you guys to tell me, i just need some tips or something idk