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Thread: Newbie Guide

  1. #1
    Veteran Zexo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Somewhere over the Rainbow

    Cool Newbie Guide

    Hey Guys/Gals,

    Today I will be giving all the newbies in Era a starting guide!
    First of all, In Era there are many main categories of things you can do. (I will be mentioning 4 of them)

    Here they are,

    -Start off by making a bit of money (about 1000 gralats)
    -Buy shovels with the money and dig until you run out.
    -Go to the Trade Tables (In start by clothes shop)
    -Buy a cheap item that will sell fast (Items that are out for a limited time are good choices)
    -Sell the item for more than you bought it for (Not too much more or people wont buy
    -Keep reapeating until you have lots of shells.

    -Start by saving up for an Ak47 or Shotgun
    -After you have those PK a bit so you can get into a good gang
    -Base until you have money from holding the base and black market sellables
    -Sell them and keep getting better guns

    -Start by buying 1 shovel
    -Dig until shovel breaks
    -At the trade tables buy shovels with the shells (2 shells for one shovel)
    -Keep digging and repeating this method

    Being Lazy
    -Save for custom
    -Get custom
    -Go to Astro
    -Sit there

    I hope this guide helped eras newest generation be successful in what they want
    to do.



  2. #2
    Veteran Lloyd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Era city
    Wrong section bro.
    Do you have any Questions regarding to Era? Do you have any problems? Any concerns? Pm me!!

  3. #3
    Moved to Era's FAQs & Guides. Cool guide!

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